Search results: 87
Ca.1990-2002 (150-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
They speak about Ernest's reception at St Denis after his transfer back from Drancy; they speak of the end of the war a…
ca.1990-2002 (151-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Wonga wants to understand racial segregation within the internment camps; they discuss what happens to Milosz; likely f…
Ca.1990-2002 (152-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
They discuss the artistic split amongst the Danish avant-garde, Høst, Linien II, and Cobra; continues 152-2About the re…
Ca.1990-2002 (152-2)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
This continues from 152-1, discussing the split in the Danish avant-garde and Sonja Ferlov choosing CoBrAAbout the reco…
ca.1990-2002 (153-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
They hypothesise on why Ernest was transferred to Drancy; Wonga wants to know about other Black prisoners, especially B…
ca.1990-2002 (153-2)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Continuing from 153-1 they speak about Bailey, a fellow Black prisoner at St Denis, and conditions in the camps; likely…
ca.1990-2002 (154-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Ernest speaks of meeting a Black American soldier who deserted. Likely following files: 72-2 and 154-2About the recordi…