The Ferlov Mancoba Archive
Search results: 613
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Børge Ferlov, Minna Ferlov, Niels Ejnar Jørgensen Ferlov
Sonja Ferlov writes to her mother, Minna Ferlov, her father, Niels Einar Ferlov, and her older brother, Børge Ferlov. S…
Efter 17.7.1931
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Minna Ferlov
Sonja Ferlov describes a mountain trip in Germany where her sandals broke, so she had to walk home barefoot, which caus…
Efter 17.7.1931
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Minna Ferlov
Sonja Ferlov writes home about her trip, where she has arrived in Passau. She talks about which cities she likes and ot…
Richard Mortensen
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Richard Mortensen thanks Sonja Ferlov for her Christmas greeting and wishes her a happy new year.
translated 2025-02-07
Akademiet for de Skønne Kunster
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba's proof of passing the entrance exam at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. translated 2025-02-…
Akademiet for de Skønne Kunster
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba's access card to the Art Academy's daytime school, 1933-1934.translated 2025-02-07
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Minna Ferlov
Sonja Ferlov writes to Minna Ferlov that she is having dinner with the Hjorth family today. Pusser has gone home. Sonja…
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Minna Ferlov
Sonja Ferlov writes to Minna Ferlov from Gudhjem, where she is with Ejler Bille and Richard Mortensen. Bille and Morten…
c. 1935
Lisbeth Munch-Petersen
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Lisbeth Munch-Petersen thanks for the Christmas Fly that Ejler Bille has sent her.
translated 2025-02-07
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Minna Ferlov
Sonja Ferlov writes to Minna Ferlov and tells her that everything is going well at home, and that she can safely extend…
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba, Ugle, 1936.
Ernest Mancoba, Head of a Mapedi, c1936
Ernest Mancoba, Faith, 1936
N. J. van Warmelo
Republic of South Africa - Department of Bantu (Native) Affairs
The document is a transcription of the original letter by Elza Miles and given to Ernest Mancoba. It speaks of the Sout…
Sonja Ferlov's Danish passport from 1936.translated 2025-02-07
Akademiet for de Skønne Kunster, Einar Utzon-Frank
Recommendation from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, regarding Sonja Ferlov's art studies in France. translated 2…
November 1936
Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling (KE)
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
The committee informs Miss Sonja Ferlov that one of her submitted works has been accepted for the exhibition.
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba's enrollment card from École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts. translated 2025-02-07
Ernest Mancoba
Bantu Welfare Trust
This is a photocopy of a letter Ernest wrote to thank the Bantu Welfare Trust for their grant and loan to assist his st…
2. Sep. 1938
On 2nd September 1938, Ernest Mancoba boarded a ship that left Cape Town, South Africa, for Southampton, United Kingdom. It arrived on the 19th September, 1938. Mancoba kept a travel journal of t...