Ferlov Mancoba
Audio file 134-2
[continues from 134-1] Wonga continues with historical background of World War II (mentions Hitler, Daladier, Chamberlain, Churchill, Charles de Gaulle), Ernest asks occasional questions
Wonga asks Ernest about his view of Joseph Stalin given his exposure to communism through his South African friends IB Tabata and Jane Gool; Ernest says he was a Trotsky-ite not a Stalin-ite, that Stalin was not a Marxist-communist; Wonga continues interpreting the political details
Ernest was friends with IB Tabata and Jane Gool and may have attended communist party talks and gatherings with them when he lived in Cape Town.
(Wonga uses Pinochet and Nixon to compare the situation of Britain and America with Stalin); Wonga wants to know how Ernest could support Stalin during the War when he knew him not to be a Marxist-communist
Ernest confirms he did not speak about Stalin's version of communism to Sonja; Wonga recalls Sonja's disappointment with the nationalistic stance of the French communists after the war ended; Ernest confirms his disillusionment with Stalin after the war
[tape stopped and restarted] Wonga returns to 1938; Ernest says he did not believe the Munich Agreement would avert war because Germany wanted to regain the colonies lost after World War I
a recurring theme in the recordings is Ernest's belief that Nazi Germany was motivated by a desire to regain colonies lost and expand.
Wonga asks about Ernest and Sonja wanting to take a holiday to Brittany during a lull in the crisis, but Wonga fills in the details of the police stopping them because war had been declared
note that in audio file 54-2, they speak of holidaying in Cote d'Azur rather than Brittany
after asking if Bille left after war was declared, Wonga tries to overlay the timing of their holiday plans with the war events
PDFAbout the recordings: Ernest Mancoba's son, Marc also known as Wonga, recorded interviews with his father. The interviews seemed to serve different purposes and are not in chronological order.
ca.1990-2002 (134-2)
Charles de Gaulle
Janub "Jane" Gool-Tabata
Richard Nixon
Augusto José Ramón Pinochet
Joseph Stalin
I.B. Tabata
- Brittany, France