Ferlov Mancoba
I.B. Tabata
Isaac Bangani "I.B." or "Tabby" Tabata was the leading theorist of the Trotskyist-leaning political party the Non-European Unity Movement (NEUM), which was active between 1943 to 1957. In 1963, he and his wife and political partner, Janeb Gool, went into political exile where he was an active member of APDUSA, a political party, and continued to publish political essays. He studied at the University of Fort Hare until 1931 (two years before Mancoba's time). He and Mancoba became acquainted through a mutual friend when Mancoba moved to Cape Town in 1936.
Luvuyo Wotshela, Fort Hare: from Garrison to Bastion of Learning (1916-2016), 2017, KMM Review Publishing Company, The University of Fort Hare: Alice
Isaac Bangani Tabata
Politisk aktivist
- Diaries 1 diary entry
- Other 3 documents