
Ferlov Mancoba

Audio file 84-2

Henter lyd
education, University of Fort Hare

Ernest speaks of how he met his Sister Inez (through Sister Pauline, at Grace Dieu) who was his "spiritual mother" (whom he would visit in Grahamstown when he was studying at the University of Fort Hare)

After Grace Dieu Diocesan College, Ernest studied at the University of Fort Hare

Wonga speaks about the African conception of father and mother with Ernest's agreement

global identities

Wonga recounts a documentary about Édouard Glissant on Aimé Cesare and speaks about global identities in different ages and peoples [he speaks in mix of French and English]

[tape stopped and restarted multiple times] Wonga returns to Sister Inez and asks Ernest to recount his goodbye to her

art education, University of Fort Hare

[tape stopped and restarted] Wonga finds out Ernest studied Latin and isiXhosa with Professor Jabavu at University of Fort Hare

isiXhosa means the language of the Xhosa people

art education, University of Fort Hare

Wonga asks about Professor Dent (rugby), Professor Murdoch (math) and Miss Tooke (Afrikaans)

[tape ends]


Audio clip
Ernest Mancoba
Wonga Mancoba
Ernest speaks of teachers at the University of Fort Hare and Sister Inez who was his "spiritual mother"

About the recordings: Ernest Mancoba's son, Marc also known as Wonga, recorded interviews with his father. The interviews seemed to serve different purposes and are not in chronological order.

ca.1990-2002 (84-2)

The audio files are undated but is likely to have been recorded some time between 1990 and 2002
Time index and commentary prepared by W. Sze
  • Grahamstown, now Makhanda, South Africa
  • Alice, now Dikeni, South Africa
Estate of Ferlov Mancoba