Ferlov Mancoba
University of Fort Hare
Although South African universities such as the University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) and the University of Cape Town (Cape Town) had an open policy, the number of non-White students was a distinct minority. In contrast the ambition of the new university that opened in 1916 is reflected in its first name, South African Native College. It offered a limited academic programme during the early years, but by the time Mancoba attended, the Bachelor of Arts degree was offered. Mancoba attended from 1933 to 1936, studying history, though he did not complete his degree (He was to instead receive his Bachelor degree from the University of South Africa). In 1996, the University conferred an honorary Doctorate in Philosophy to Mancoba.
Luvuyo Wotshela, Fort Hare: from Garrison to Bastion of Learning (1916-2016), 2017, KMM Review Publishing Company, The University of Fort Hare: Alice