Ferlov Mancoba
Audio file 20-2
[continuation from 20-1] group conversing about Andy Warhol; Wonga brings up a newspaper article on him; Bille notes Warhol's technique but finds him a "showman"
Bille is reminded about a parable of two Chinese monks discussing a flag in the wind and its parallel to a newspaper article about modern art where there is a "true" point of view
Bille refers to the Renaissance with changes in points of view, mentioning writing of Paul Lacroix, and that the changes bring an evolution of form; Bille compares development of form to development in science in being able to determine what is a "good picture"; he mentions Pablo Picasso; Wonga speaks of new situations in the world giving rise to new art form, mentions Paul Cezanne and Picasso and treatments of perspective; Wonga continues on Christianity [Wonga speaks in Danish]
Bille speaks of a parable in Confucianism about natural progress; Wonga counters by returning to Picasso, the difference in his work to that of Henri Matisse and Pierre Bonnard [speaks in Danish]
Bille makes a joke about his and Ernest's art and the group laughs; Bille expands by saying that every times and cultures are different; Wonga replies that the difference is a problem for art historians [speaks in Danish]
Bille raises points about folk art, Chinese porcelain art in Song dynasty, arts of Egypt, the Gothic and the Aztec to return to his thoughts on form [Bille speaks in both English and Danish]; Bille and Wonga discuss, speaking over each other; Wonga picks up thread on sacredness [they speak in mix of English and Danish]
PDFAbout the recordings: Ernest Mancoba's son, Marc also known as Wonga, recorded interviews with his father. The interviews seemed to serve different purposes and are not in chronological order.
ca.1990-2002 (20-2)