
Ferlov Mancoba

November 1938 to early 1940, part 2


This Mancoba diary covers Mancoba's first months in Paris.  He is enrolled at L'École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Rue d’Ulm.  He has befriended the Danish ceramicist Christian Poulsen whom he abbreviates as “Xtian” and various other students whom he variously identifies as “Pultzer/Pulzer/Bulzer”, “the Algerian”, “Chargo/Chago/Chayo” and “Roser” (amongst others). He has a visit with a South African identified as “Mall”. The diary likely ends at the end of December 1938 or January 1939.  
At school Egyptian arrives late with Jacques – Guardian gives them a talking to & there’s excitement [,] fellows talk of staying away – I speak of possibility of getting chucked out [.] Egyptian confused [,] not much intelligence –

Alexandre [,] negro [,] arrives and speaks English with me – He knows some but not perfect – He wants me to communicate with a girl friend of his who will write in French & I in English [.] She is doing studies at Lycée – We walk together to my hotel – It is rainy & at corner of St Michel – Alexandre playfully asks to carry an umbrella 3 girls are sharing [.] One smiles & says Non Monsieur [French: No, sir] politely – I think of the girl in South Africa who nearly fell on her back when I asked her to show me a street in Troyville [suburb of Johannesburg] – she was for a bus & I was tired [.] I had walked a long way for no bus for negroes in SAfrica & it was desperation [,] I was no surprise [sic: not surprised] [,] she was a good South African.  We part at door of my hotel – de la Sorbonne [,] I share the lift with an old lady & young lady who speak English –

After dinner I go to Hotel Soufflet to return book “The Summing up” by S. Maugham [William Somerset Maugham, “The Summing Up”, 1938] to Putzer – They are drinking tea – with old Danes.  Putzer likes my drawings – He shows me his painting of the Greek woman [,] I like it tremendously – He is extremely refined.  Afterwards Xtian [Christian Poulsen] tells the fortunes of the old Dane – Once a popular bank clerk in Copenhagen [,] gave it up to come to Paris to draw – last night He does not sleep [,] stayed up at Le Dome [sic: Le Dôme] cd [sic: could] not pay for bed –

At the Academia draw a nude woman – beautiful [illegible] now & again to friends – Algerian arrives – Next a negro poses [.] He looks stupid but a magnificent physic [sic: physique] – He dominates the Academia & I think of Nigger of the Narcissus [Joseph Conrad, “The Nigger of the Narcissus”, 1897] – clever book & Mr Watson -

On way home Xtian [Christian Poulsen] asks if I had drawn nudes before in SAfrica – I say it’s unheard of in that country - & that the Dutch reformed church wd [sic: would] be up in arms if they knew one of their natives was drawing naked white women in Paris – He laughs & says I shd [sic: should] not go back to that savage country

I return to my hotel.  & then go to dinner & see the [illegible words] line of defence - & wonder what the future generations will think of the ruins of the monstrous structure – to bed –

Classes as usual [,] no staying away of fellows [,] punctual – Xtian [Christian Poulsen] remarks what a successful strike! – Alexandre arrives at 1 – we go out and the door a girl friends stops – they talk [,] he comes running after us – He wants to speak English –

In afternoon we work casting the relief of the Luxembourg & Egyptian – Egyptian shows his skull in [illegible] & professor is embarrassed [.] Pierre does a bust of me [.]

Paul works & listen to conversation [.] Pierre tells me he knows an address we could go and copulate [.] I avoid him and Paul asks me to go with him – On the way he tells me Pierre is a sexual degenerate – He sleeps with men etc [.] We part & I ask him why he does not take coffee with me [.] he says he has no time.  I know he avoids – Nothing doing [,] I go to caffe [sic: café] & take my time before Supper & go to bed –

Up x to school – the usual [.] have you copulated [?] from Pierre the longhaired fellow – I work at the ox head skeleton – I have come to like it – but I can’t reconcile myself to it – the Egyptian works feverishly – I ask again – Pourquoi travail [French: why work] [?] - he says “you want to eat for nothing” [,] I answer I want but to go back to the forest & live in the sun!”  I want him to think a bit for he never does – an ox [.]  He’s confused when I say you eat – you complete and die - we work till 11.30 – I tell the Algerian Christian invites him for tea – He does not seem keen – I wonder if he likes Xtian [Christian Poulsen] –

Before dinner Chayo arrives & happy – He tells me he will get pay tonight & go to the Bal Negre[1] [.] I ask him to wait for me after the [illegible] 9 & 10 – He does me out of 2fr [sic: 2 French francs] for the metro!  I return to the school and work [.] The Egyptian clever at casting – His moulage [French: molding] good – He soft soaps it – 

[/P] Pierre looks horrible [,] hair all about [,] but he is good artist and I like him in a [illegible] manner – He lives like a candle in a windy room – He asks if I wish to go a hostel with him [,] it being Saturday – and he is persistent – Paul looks on sadly and we depart together.  On the way he tells me Paul masturbate & a sex maniac [,] I am sorry – I prepare for the [illegible] Supper – 

I arrive at Hotel Avadurer & find find [sic] at the door – the Confused Englishman who calls [illegible] the as distinction // black & white loathe the worm – He tries to be gallantly useful to some sour English women.  He tells me not to stand at the door as they always had ladies to leave their coats in the usual room [.] I tell him I didn’t know that – He says something – I ask if [illegible] is coming for I feel [illegible] out of place with these hypocrites of English men

I see The French fellow (     ) and I am happy – We talk – He is so keen [,] I shouldn’t catch a cold – Berbet arrives and asks 22fr [sic: 22 French francs] for the dinner & it appears [illegible] did not tell him I was coming – 

We go into day room – I sit next to English [,] talkative but stupid and [illegible] and Englishman with son ([illegible]) [.]  I speak to the Frenchman with [illegible]  He is proud of English connections [.] He shows photographs & speaks of girl (French) who exclaimed Napoleon when she saw the Nelson Column at Trafalgar Square [in London]   The woman speaks of good food at Copenhagen & good french reds – 
  1. W. Sze: Le Bal Nègre was a popular Parisian night spot in the 1920s and 1930s that featured black performing artists.


November 1938 to early 1940, part 2
p. 78-83
Danish National Gallery
Ernest Mancoba
Rules of transcription:
 Spelling errors kept, followed by correction as [sic: corrected spelling]
 Necessary insertion of missing punctuation marks added as [,]
 Necessary paragraph breakage as [/P]
 Illegible words indicated with [illegible]
 Scratched out letters and words not transcribed