Ferlov Mancoba
November 1938 to early 1940, part 3
This Mancoba diary covers Mancoba's first months in Paris. He is enrolled at L'École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Rue d’Ulm. He has befriended the Danish ceramicist Christian Poulsen whom he abbreviates as “Xtian” and various other students whom he variously identifies as “Pultzer/Pulzer/Bulzer”, “the Algerian”, “Chargo/Chago” and “Roser” (amongst others). He has a visit with a South African identified as “Mall”. The diary likely ends at the end of December 1938 or January 1939.
She asks the boy if he knows that the boy scouts[1]have to do two good turns now instead of one everyday – The boy says always [,] he ready to do good – Lady floored [,] But boy says cubs have to do one [.] lady recovers & adds “and the scouts two [“] – To save her face
[/P] Germany [,] travel & next war – Man says “ladies will have to fight in next war[.] Russia, etc [,] China [“] – I add and babies will have to be perfection [.] breathing gas masks exercises also that [illegible] that – He speaks of ladies again & Imagine them mucked up in their nothing flesh & shit and the stupid dead finds they wear for hats and the nauseating scent to make the [illegible] more horrible – [illegible] stick all paraphernalia –
[/P] She speaks of SA [South Africa] (I unhappy) She says it’s ideal country, Smuts [Jan Smuts[2]orator – [illegible] Table Mountain [in Cape Town] –
After dinner – Sing song – I sing Deep River – They sing foolish songs out of books – boring – Nobody says anything to me except the French man [.] he says the English are reserved but I feel strange – I go away afterwards feeling miserable [,] not one goodnight – except French man [.] It is too late [,] I look up Chayo 11 oclock [sic: o’clock] – I go to sleep & read Paris Soir – The Normandic has not sailed – the backwash of the strike –
// I get up & go the St Georges [.] I am sick of it – I serve with the American & during the whole service I feel disgusted & I fear I might run amok and throw the foolish candle away – I meet the American afterwards [,] we go to Les Ambassadeurs & have cocktails – He is a head of Church School [illegible] there in America & speaks of objective approach to Xtianity [sic: Christianity] & I wonder what he is speaking about most of the time – Xtianity [sic: Christianity] a spent force – but he feels it can give one direction and a feeling of security in one’s character and standpoint [.] I don’t believe him but I am polite –
[note in margin:] a sermon on the three judgments others – oneself – God – neat arrangement but unconvincing
I go back to Hotel select [,]for and find Mme Henri had phoned – I go to Xtian [Christian Poulsen] and Putzer at 4 and we had tea [.] Putzer has been at the Dome [Le Dôme] till 4am – with a Danish drinking party – We talk of Scandinavian and the North Pole [,] Amundsen [Roald Amundsen][3] etc. Pulzer thinks the Russian overpolar flight a magnificent achievement and that Russia is the power of tomorrow – Severe writers of Denmark & Sweden – Icebreakers etc-
[note in margin:] cycling over the sea
A knock at Pulzers door and a woman and a man’s voices – Xtian [Christian Poulsen] does not care for the man [,] Pulzer goes out but man comes in & settled down (a huge Dane with turned up nose) – afterwards Xtian tells me – man at Copenhagen behaved rudely to his sister – and I see why aversion – I remember a similar case to my sister in South Africa [.] It is [illegible] to have a sister –
[note in margin:] Telephone Mme Henry from Select [,] make appointment for Wednesday 9
[/P] we go out [,] down Bd St Michel [Boulevard St Michel] – many street vendor on the “trottoir” [French: pavement] and Xtian [Christian Poulsen] gets quite excited – He looks & pts [sic: points] at Shop-windows [.] He buys some nuts which I like very much – the Shops are specially dressed for Xmas [sic: Christmas] season – the [illegible] is beautiful [.] He talks of the war which everybody believes will soon be upon us – Xtian says he is ready to commit suicide if forced to fight – He approves of the Normandie strike – He sympathises with the workman – He asks me [if] heard “the [illegible] of 1914” –
[note in margin:] buy a copy of Candide from book vendors on Seine 4fr [sic: 4 French francs] and the river boat very beautiful with boatman like toys!
I invite him to eat at my hotel and he looks quite voracious – He embarrass me – He talks too much and points at me too often – He looks about absentmindedly – He wants to know what the people opposite are eating from the waiters & I get uneasy – It is a turkey (dinde [French: turkey]) – we talk about Table manners and I tell him of dinner last night – How stupid I think it all is [.] He says I shall get used to it and he likes to be a host [illegible] – He wonders if Mme Florence Henry knows I am black for she may be expecting a white man – He also thinks I should take a bouquet of flowers to her my first visit – I am puzzled – I have never been seen in the street with flowers! I repose to take him seriously – Chago arrives and the waitress shows him in – They attack me for my shyness – Say a few unkind things perhaps it’s the wine – Xtian [sic: Christian] departs and Chago & I ascend to my room – I am unhappy & restless – I tell Chago exaggerated stories of Africa and he is afraid of the sex parts, hows & savage beasts – I say I should return to Africa & chuck away my trousers [.] He is scared and says I must cover the body etc. He tells me of his experiences with a depraved white woman who sucked at his penis and expected him also to such at her sexual organ – He shudders but he confessed he did at last at last after much searchings of heart – He looks at it philosophically & shrugs his shoulders and says “C’est la vie” [French: that’s life] [.]
[/P] He tells of two trips to Africa & the discomfort there which he could never stand – “bad beds”. He says & bad food – He stayed on board afterwards & never landed in Africa – I recall a young white student at Fort Hare who spoke of Native food & Natives as if wretchedness was the time living for the blacks – I am sleepy [.] We go downstairs take coffee & part –
School at 9 – I take chocolate on my way – work at something new – A head of a fat man – Paul very interesting [.] I teach him a few Zulu words and he likes it [,] he thinks my work not bad [.] In the afternoon I go to Rue de la Seine to see the art exhibition – all seem so cold and not much activity in the Galleries – I go in the Pierre Rooms [probable reference to Galerie Pierre] and see some modern paintings and drawings [,] there is a warmth about them but I do not understand them – based on the child conception of drawing – But I cannot dismiss them from my mind –
[/P] It is raining hard today – As I walk down Rue St Germain I see for the first time a black workman in the characteristic overall of the Parisian workman – I am excited – It is good [,] the French seem to have counted the cost of colonialism and to make an attempt to be logical – I feel again I have nothing to apologise for in Paris for being black –
[/P] Germany [,] travel & next war – Man says “ladies will have to fight in next war[.] Russia, etc [,] China [“] – I add and babies will have to be perfection [.] breathing gas masks exercises also that [illegible] that – He speaks of ladies again & Imagine them mucked up in their nothing flesh & shit and the stupid dead finds they wear for hats and the nauseating scent to make the [illegible] more horrible – [illegible] stick all paraphernalia –
[/P] She speaks of SA [South Africa] (I unhappy) She says it’s ideal country, Smuts [Jan Smuts[2]orator – [illegible] Table Mountain [in Cape Town] –
After dinner – Sing song – I sing Deep River – They sing foolish songs out of books – boring – Nobody says anything to me except the French man [.] he says the English are reserved but I feel strange – I go away afterwards feeling miserable [,] not one goodnight – except French man [.] It is too late [,] I look up Chayo 11 oclock [sic: o’clock] – I go to sleep & read Paris Soir – The Normandic has not sailed – the backwash of the strike –
// I get up & go the St Georges [.] I am sick of it – I serve with the American & during the whole service I feel disgusted & I fear I might run amok and throw the foolish candle away – I meet the American afterwards [,] we go to Les Ambassadeurs & have cocktails – He is a head of Church School [illegible] there in America & speaks of objective approach to Xtianity [sic: Christianity] & I wonder what he is speaking about most of the time – Xtianity [sic: Christianity] a spent force – but he feels it can give one direction and a feeling of security in one’s character and standpoint [.] I don’t believe him but I am polite –
[note in margin:] a sermon on the three judgments others – oneself – God – neat arrangement but unconvincing
I go back to Hotel select [,]for and find Mme Henri had phoned – I go to Xtian [Christian Poulsen] and Putzer at 4 and we had tea [.] Putzer has been at the Dome [Le Dôme] till 4am – with a Danish drinking party – We talk of Scandinavian and the North Pole [,] Amundsen [Roald Amundsen][3] etc. Pulzer thinks the Russian overpolar flight a magnificent achievement and that Russia is the power of tomorrow – Severe writers of Denmark & Sweden – Icebreakers etc-
[note in margin:] cycling over the sea
A knock at Pulzers door and a woman and a man’s voices – Xtian [Christian Poulsen] does not care for the man [,] Pulzer goes out but man comes in & settled down (a huge Dane with turned up nose) – afterwards Xtian tells me – man at Copenhagen behaved rudely to his sister – and I see why aversion – I remember a similar case to my sister in South Africa [.] It is [illegible] to have a sister –
[note in margin:] Telephone Mme Henry from Select [,] make appointment for Wednesday 9
[/P] we go out [,] down Bd St Michel [Boulevard St Michel] – many street vendor on the “trottoir” [French: pavement] and Xtian [Christian Poulsen] gets quite excited – He looks & pts [sic: points] at Shop-windows [.] He buys some nuts which I like very much – the Shops are specially dressed for Xmas [sic: Christmas] season – the [illegible] is beautiful [.] He talks of the war which everybody believes will soon be upon us – Xtian says he is ready to commit suicide if forced to fight – He approves of the Normandie strike – He sympathises with the workman – He asks me [if] heard “the [illegible] of 1914” –
[note in margin:] buy a copy of Candide from book vendors on Seine 4fr [sic: 4 French francs] and the river boat very beautiful with boatman like toys!
I invite him to eat at my hotel and he looks quite voracious – He embarrass me – He talks too much and points at me too often – He looks about absentmindedly – He wants to know what the people opposite are eating from the waiters & I get uneasy – It is a turkey (dinde [French: turkey]) – we talk about Table manners and I tell him of dinner last night – How stupid I think it all is [.] He says I shall get used to it and he likes to be a host [illegible] – He wonders if Mme Florence Henry knows I am black for she may be expecting a white man – He also thinks I should take a bouquet of flowers to her my first visit – I am puzzled – I have never been seen in the street with flowers! I repose to take him seriously – Chago arrives and the waitress shows him in – They attack me for my shyness – Say a few unkind things perhaps it’s the wine – Xtian [sic: Christian] departs and Chago & I ascend to my room – I am unhappy & restless – I tell Chago exaggerated stories of Africa and he is afraid of the sex parts, hows & savage beasts – I say I should return to Africa & chuck away my trousers [.] He is scared and says I must cover the body etc. He tells me of his experiences with a depraved white woman who sucked at his penis and expected him also to such at her sexual organ – He shudders but he confessed he did at last at last after much searchings of heart – He looks at it philosophically & shrugs his shoulders and says “C’est la vie” [French: that’s life] [.]
[/P] He tells of two trips to Africa & the discomfort there which he could never stand – “bad beds”. He says & bad food – He stayed on board afterwards & never landed in Africa – I recall a young white student at Fort Hare who spoke of Native food & Natives as if wretchedness was the time living for the blacks – I am sleepy [.] We go downstairs take coffee & part –
School at 9 – I take chocolate on my way – work at something new – A head of a fat man – Paul very interesting [.] I teach him a few Zulu words and he likes it [,] he thinks my work not bad [.] In the afternoon I go to Rue de la Seine to see the art exhibition – all seem so cold and not much activity in the Galleries – I go in the Pierre Rooms [probable reference to Galerie Pierre] and see some modern paintings and drawings [,] there is a warmth about them but I do not understand them – based on the child conception of drawing – But I cannot dismiss them from my mind –
[/P] It is raining hard today – As I walk down Rue St Germain I see for the first time a black workman in the characteristic overall of the Parisian workman – I am excited – It is good [,] the French seem to have counted the cost of colonialism and to make an attempt to be logical – I feel again I have nothing to apologise for in Paris for being black –
I walk on to Notre Dame [Cathedral] – I think of the church back of Notre Dame [,] a magnificent work and the open square before Notre Dame must have been the market place from which Quasimodo saved the Gipsy Girl [reference to Victor Hugo’s “Hunchback of Notre Dame” (1831[WF4] )][4] – I walk in Notre
- W. Sze: The Boy Scouts is an association of male youths; the Boy Scout Cubs are for younger members
- W. Sze: Jan Christian Smuts was Prime Minister of South Africa from 1919 to 1924 (and again in 1939 to 1948).
- W. Sze: Roald Amundsen, Norwegian, who explored the polar regions
- W. Sze: Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French novelist
PDFNovember 1938 to early 1940, part 3
p. 84-89
Danish National Gallery
Rules of transcription:
Spelling errors kept, followed by correction as [sic: corrected spelling]
Necessary insertion of missing punctuation marks added as [,]
Necessary paragraph breakage as [/P]
Illegible words indicated with [illegible]
Scratched out letters and words not transcribed
Spelling errors kept, followed by correction as [sic: corrected spelling]
Necessary insertion of missing punctuation marks added as [,]
Necessary paragraph breakage as [/P]
Illegible words indicated with [illegible]
Scratched out letters and words not transcribed