Results: 4
ca.1990-2002 (102-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Whilst Ernest was teaching near Pietersberg, he was gifted woodcarvings which he has treasured; he and Wonga speak of t…
ca.1990-2002 (103-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Preceding tape: 102-2. They continue on African art and Wonga wonders how Ernest was able to communicate with the rura…
ca.1990-2002 (103-2)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
They continue the discussion from 103-1, how Ernest could speak with the rural African artist. They compare African and…
ca.1990-2002 (33-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
They speak of Ernest's beginnings in art in South Africa; he speaks of his lived experience and African spirituality (m…