Results: 6
ca.1990-2002 (11-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Ernest and Wonga Mancoba discuss the value of art. Likely following file: 13-1About the recordings: Ernest Mancoba's so…
Ca.1990-2002 (31-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Ernest considers Surrealism's engagement with Freud and psychoanalysis and expresses his admiration for Max Ernst's col…
Ca.1990-2002 (116-2)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Wonga opines on art, reacting to an article in Le Monde newspaper. It continues a discussion on file 116-1About the rec…
Ca.1990-2002 (59-2)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
This recording continues from 59-1 with Wonga summarising articles in Linien magazines.About the recordings: Ernest Man…
Ca.1990-2002 (108-2)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
[subjects from 108-1] Ernest and Wonga set the aims of the memoir, Ernest's and Sonja's lived experiences as a reflecti…
Ca.1990-2002 (131-2)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
The topic is Sonja Ferlov: her Parisian artists friends, the types of Surrealist works she did and did not like; they s…