Results: 4
Ca.1990-2002 (47-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
They discuss Ernest's imprisonment in St Denis camp during World War II; conversation continues 47-2About the recording…
ca.1990-2002 (151-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
Wonga wants to understand racial segregation within the internment camps; they discuss what happens to Milosz; likely f…
ca.1990-2002 (153-1)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
They hypothesise on why Ernest was transferred to Drancy; Wonga wants to know about other Black prisoners, especially B…
ca.1990-2002 (65-2)
Ernest Mancoba, Wonga Mancoba
File continues from 65-1 on Ernest's transfer back to St Denis; Ernest gives details of conditions in Drancy and they s…