Ferlov Mancoba
30 November 1938 to early 1940, part 1
This Mancoba diary covers Mancoba's first months in Paris. He is enrolled at L'École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Rue d’Ulm. He has befriended the Danish ceramicist Christian Poulsen whom he abbreviates as “Xtian” and various other students whom he variously identifies as “Pultzer/Pulzer/Bulzer”, “the Algerian”, “Chargo/Chago” and “Roser” (amongst others). He has a visit with a South African identified as “Mall”. The diary likely ends at the end of December 1938 or January 1939.
30 Nov –
The students talk about the ‘grève’ [sic: strike][1] and not seriously – laugh about as if nothing –
I get again 12 Marks for my work [.] I am disgusted it is not good and blue streaks on it [.] Paul does something to it [,] I stop him – The Egyptian is fussy – he gets 14 pts [sic: points] – I can’t stand him – He is an ox – Xtian [Christian Poulsen] is a [illegible] potter [,] no artist[2]-
In the afternoon we go to the drawing school at ----- [.] We find a woman posing [,] she is beautiful in the European way, lips red hair black – She has a beautiful body and I am thrilled [.] I draw as if possessed – It must be a strain to pose [,] she looks at the people as if to despise them [,] her personality dominates - & I [illegible] [.] I respect her and feel she is more human than them all – pretty girls [,] old men – young men and chinese [sic: Chinese] [.] She looks at me and I wonder what she is thinking – The studio is warm [,] there is a stove to warm her – I wonder what they would think in South Africa – a white woman exposing herself to the view of niggers and chinese [sic: Chinese] etc etc [.] the Dutch reformed Ch [sic: Dutch Reformed Church] would have something to say no doubt. A man looks at me and wonder if he is not a Nazi – I wonder if the other women do not envy her for her beauty [,] but they have money, position etc etc – She rests for some [illegible] & Algerian –
[/P] Xtian [Christian Poulsen] and I go to Le Dome for cigs [sic: cigarettes] – I am happy to be in their company [.] I like the Algerian [,] short fellow – He says one must teach oneself to be an artist [.] I wish I were a Frenchman & he [,] free – I think of the letter from Jones & I am unhappy – I walk as if I were French –
Return to find model talking to a young man & I feel the model will take her place one day beside Greta Garbo[3] [,] it will be great to speak to her – She has been despised but she will take her place one day – She poses again & we are intent drawing & drawing –
Woman beside me works hard & man only left clever but limited by tradition – ([illegible] shows another room) – Another model [,] short & energetic [.] Short poses and it is wonderful how long she stands – humourous [,] smiles at the painted girl who smiles back in condescending fashion – Old man shouts “Change” after every 5 minutes [.] Xtian [Christian Poulsen] goes to next room – He likes long poses –
The room has a few paintings on the walls, a plaster male figure in plaster showing muscles –
At 7 [sic: 7 o’clock] we go away & pay – Xtian [Christian Poulsen] goes to search for [illegible name] – They eat together –
After supper I go to look for Russo Rosso [,] Bd Edgar Quintet [sic: Boulevard Edgar Quinet], I find him eating his supper [illegible] Studio - For the first time I feel I am face to face with a great artist – He reads Lippy [Lippy Lipshitz] letter & apologises for eating alone – He laughs says still the same old Lippy – asks about CapeTown – Produces a book [,] English [,] & says he has begun to learn English – I show him a few things & he laughs when he read correctly – we go to Le Dome [sic: Le Dôme café] & the artists stand in a corner & shows me to other [.] they are good fellows [,] most grey haired energetic fellows – They talk and a group walks through [illegible] & points at one or the other & they laugh. Rosso asks if Lippy is married – We take coffee & go down Bd Monparnasse [sic: Boulevard Montparnasse] talking [.] He tells me he has been 30 years in Paris [.] Le Dome [sic: Le Le Dôme] used to be the home of the artist but now too many Bourgeois Select & ( ) & ------. were little place in those days when Lippy was there [.]
[/P] We part company [,] I am V [sic: very] happy [,] I go to Select & meet Xtian [Christian Poulsen] with Pelzie & white Danes – We sit & talk & go at 11. Pelzie was in Spain at the beginning of the Revolution[4] & discuss the possibilities of the Strike tomorrow & I feel Daladier [Prime Minister of France, Édouard Daladier[5]] – might go & if not [,] a dictatorship in France.
[note in margin:] Read English papers Daily Mail [newspaper] Continental
I go to school and soldiers (Garde Mobile) at every street corner – At Prefecture [,] armed soldiers as I pass – I don’t know what to feel – At school all is normal – the buses are running and no indications of grève [French: strike] – Make a Grecian decoration [,] a skull [illegible] & fellows think it is foolish –
Dinner & I go with Xtian [Christian Poulsen] & buys potatoes & does not go back to school
Afternoon I work on relief & Algerian makes a bust of me – afterwards we go to Cafoulade & have a wine - & then to his rooms [,] he is friendly – He shows me his work and copies of Rodin [Auguste Rodin][6] & Maillol [Aristide Maillol][7] – He draws & paints & go home & eat – No excitement
[/P] People buy the papers & I speak for the first time with man reading an English book – been to Cambridge – thinks the English student practical but agrees not logical – good fellows –
Meet Chago[8] – Sad his brother dead – we look for paper - & back to bed – He speaks little & say 15yrs [sic: 15 years] ago he saw his mother
The students talk about the ‘grève’ [sic: strike][1] and not seriously – laugh about as if nothing –
I get again 12 Marks for my work [.] I am disgusted it is not good and blue streaks on it [.] Paul does something to it [,] I stop him – The Egyptian is fussy – he gets 14 pts [sic: points] – I can’t stand him – He is an ox – Xtian [Christian Poulsen] is a [illegible] potter [,] no artist[2]-
In the afternoon we go to the drawing school at ----- [.] We find a woman posing [,] she is beautiful in the European way, lips red hair black – She has a beautiful body and I am thrilled [.] I draw as if possessed – It must be a strain to pose [,] she looks at the people as if to despise them [,] her personality dominates - & I [illegible] [.] I respect her and feel she is more human than them all – pretty girls [,] old men – young men and chinese [sic: Chinese] [.] She looks at me and I wonder what she is thinking – The studio is warm [,] there is a stove to warm her – I wonder what they would think in South Africa – a white woman exposing herself to the view of niggers and chinese [sic: Chinese] etc etc [.] the Dutch reformed Ch [sic: Dutch Reformed Church] would have something to say no doubt. A man looks at me and wonder if he is not a Nazi – I wonder if the other women do not envy her for her beauty [,] but they have money, position etc etc – She rests for some [illegible] & Algerian –
[/P] Xtian [Christian Poulsen] and I go to Le Dome for cigs [sic: cigarettes] – I am happy to be in their company [.] I like the Algerian [,] short fellow – He says one must teach oneself to be an artist [.] I wish I were a Frenchman & he [,] free – I think of the letter from Jones & I am unhappy – I walk as if I were French –
Return to find model talking to a young man & I feel the model will take her place one day beside Greta Garbo[3] [,] it will be great to speak to her – She has been despised but she will take her place one day – She poses again & we are intent drawing & drawing –
Woman beside me works hard & man only left clever but limited by tradition – ([illegible] shows another room) – Another model [,] short & energetic [.] Short poses and it is wonderful how long she stands – humourous [,] smiles at the painted girl who smiles back in condescending fashion – Old man shouts “Change” after every 5 minutes [.] Xtian [Christian Poulsen] goes to next room – He likes long poses –
The room has a few paintings on the walls, a plaster male figure in plaster showing muscles –
At 7 [sic: 7 o’clock] we go away & pay – Xtian [Christian Poulsen] goes to search for [illegible name] – They eat together –
After supper I go to look for Russo Rosso [,] Bd Edgar Quintet [sic: Boulevard Edgar Quinet], I find him eating his supper [illegible] Studio - For the first time I feel I am face to face with a great artist – He reads Lippy [Lippy Lipshitz] letter & apologises for eating alone – He laughs says still the same old Lippy – asks about CapeTown – Produces a book [,] English [,] & says he has begun to learn English – I show him a few things & he laughs when he read correctly – we go to Le Dome [sic: Le Dôme café] & the artists stand in a corner & shows me to other [.] they are good fellows [,] most grey haired energetic fellows – They talk and a group walks through [illegible] & points at one or the other & they laugh. Rosso asks if Lippy is married – We take coffee & go down Bd Monparnasse [sic: Boulevard Montparnasse] talking [.] He tells me he has been 30 years in Paris [.] Le Dome [sic: Le Le Dôme] used to be the home of the artist but now too many Bourgeois Select & ( ) & ------. were little place in those days when Lippy was there [.]
[/P] We part company [,] I am V [sic: very] happy [,] I go to Select & meet Xtian [Christian Poulsen] with Pelzie & white Danes – We sit & talk & go at 11. Pelzie was in Spain at the beginning of the Revolution[4] & discuss the possibilities of the Strike tomorrow & I feel Daladier [Prime Minister of France, Édouard Daladier[5]] – might go & if not [,] a dictatorship in France.
[note in margin:] Read English papers Daily Mail [newspaper] Continental
I go to school and soldiers (Garde Mobile) at every street corner – At Prefecture [,] armed soldiers as I pass – I don’t know what to feel – At school all is normal – the buses are running and no indications of grève [French: strike] – Make a Grecian decoration [,] a skull [illegible] & fellows think it is foolish –
Dinner & I go with Xtian [Christian Poulsen] & buys potatoes & does not go back to school
Afternoon I work on relief & Algerian makes a bust of me – afterwards we go to Cafoulade & have a wine - & then to his rooms [,] he is friendly – He shows me his work and copies of Rodin [Auguste Rodin][6] & Maillol [Aristide Maillol][7] – He draws & paints & go home & eat – No excitement
[/P] People buy the papers & I speak for the first time with man reading an English book – been to Cambridge – thinks the English student practical but agrees not logical – good fellows –
Meet Chago[8] – Sad his brother dead – we look for paper - & back to bed – He speaks little & say 15yrs [sic: 15 years] ago he saw his mother
- W. Sze: On 30 November 1938, a general strike was called by the French Communist party to protest against government policy
- W.Sze: Christian Poulsen (1911-1991, Denmark), ceramicist. He met Mancoba at L’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (Paris) where they were both studying.
- W. Sze: Greta Garbo (1905-1990, Sweden/New York), actress
- W. Sze: Spanish Revolution of 1936
- W. Sze: Édouard Daladier, Prime Minister of France from 1933 to 1934 and from 1938 to 1940
- W. Sze: Auguste Rodin (1840-1917, France), artist
- W. Sze: Aristide Maillol (1861-1944, France), artist
- W.Sze: through the diary, Mancoba refers to this person alternatively as Chago and Chargo
PDF30 November 1938 to early 1940, part 1
p. 73-77
Danish National Gallery
Rules of transcription:
Spelling errors kept, followed by correction as [sic: corrected spelling]
Necessary insertion of missing punctuation marks added as [,]
Necessary paragraph breakage as [/P]
Illegible words indicated with [illegible]
Scratched out letters and words not transcribed
Spelling errors kept, followed by correction as [sic: corrected spelling]
Necessary insertion of missing punctuation marks added as [,]
Necessary paragraph breakage as [/P]
Illegible words indicated with [illegible]
Scratched out letters and words not transcribed