
Ferlov Mancoba

November 1938 to early 1940, part 8


This Mancoba diary covers Mancoba's first months in Paris.  He is enrolled at L'École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Rue d’Ulm.  He has befriended the Danish ceramicist Christian Poulsen whom he abbreviates as “Xtian” and various other students whom he variously identifies as “Pultzer/Pulzer/Bulzer”, “the Algerian”, “Chargo/Chago/Chayo” and “Roser” (amongst others). He has a visit with a South African identified as “Mall”. The diary likely ends at the end of December 1938 or January 1939.  
[continuing from previous page, Mancoba is with Christian Poulsen and someone referred to as Pulzer; it is the days of Christmas] we go out to select & meet Long there [.] Pultzer & Long bad friends [.] I speak to Long & his friend – Very interesting [.] Art today is a confused state – explain the outlook of Africa Art & that I wish to devote myself to it & to work for progression of African art.  Long’s friend is interested & speaks [.] Long telling [illegible] of British drawings & Magic – He believes in Magic & hopes to make more of it.  He is disillusioned in Modern Art [,] lost leaving Bushmen made an image of animal in certain position somewhere and found it afterwards in same position – Long very intelligent & speaks of a possibility of African [African is crossed out] art in Nazi state etc –  I like his friend [friend is underlined] at once – we drink beer and Tony pays for mine – A phone message from his mother & he leaves with his friend – 

I linger around [,] Xtian [sic: Christian Poulsen] in the arms of a fat woman [,] Pultzer talking with the unfortunate Dane [.] I ask to go 

School – I go to Rosers rooms afterwards – radio & talk [,] we have lunch together at Capulade – They ask why I did not team up on Saturday – Afternoon [,] I got work [,] it is very cold – In evening I go to see March of [illegible] – I see Father Divine – very strange & queer – 

Tuesday – School very cold [.] I get [illegible] relief.  Paul very unhappy, he gets nothing for his work – [illegible] afterwards M. Vallette asks me to visit him at Xmas [sic: Christmas] holidays – In afternoon I stay in my hotel and go to Roser in evening – we go to Gare --- . [insert in margin: Snow] I fix up for Bonteau’s journey – take Metro & I arrive. 

A sale of provisions Xmas wines from wine arrears – Radio plays Lambeth Walk [,] they dance a National Costumes [.] we buy a bottle of wine for our feast tonight – get information as to trains – leave – It is snowing and refreshing – 

We buy provisions & more wine – I carry it and Brousse hangs on me by the arm in case I slip & break the bottle [.] At hotel Roser arrives from drawing wet & cold & unhappy – we cut bread & make ready for feast – we eat & drink I sing Deep River & Old Man River – they like it and we sing & sing Langue Dorc songs [.] we go to cafe for more drinks – Sing in Cafe – we play in snow, dragged the hunchback & slide him on the snow – I return to my hotel – The holidays have started – 

Wed [sic: Wednesday] – next morning I visit Paulsen [sic: Christian Poulsen] & stay hotel all day – at 12 I go to Brousse & we eat together Capulade – we go to cafe etc – He is a good fellow – In Afternoon we go Musee Guimet with Poulsen & Pultzer & see Indian Art & Chinese – Some of it is wonderful 

We go to an English tea Restaurant [,] Place Concorde & take tea – I tell Xtian [sic: Christian Poulsen] I hate the atmosphere it is too English for my liking – He blithers something about wholesomeness etc [.] He worships the English – Behind me there is a couple of love birds – The young man trying to be clever & the young woman trying to be adoring [,] it nauseates me [.] They talk of old English families money etc love [,] mother etc – Pultzer arrives & we talk again – He thinks if the English shd [sic: should] disappear from the European scene there would be confusion – Stability etc etc – English may condemn [illegible] not what it came to defence of the Empire all stood as one - talk of Casabianca [.] The Charge of the Light Brigade – Bengal dancers etc – We are agreed the English love their Empire & everybody not English[,]  foreigner – we go downstairs & look at books – I buy “The English are they human by Renier and “England the Island unknown” [G. J. Renier “The English: are they human?” first published 1931 and Paul Cohen-Protheim “England, the Unknown Isle” first published 1931] 

Take the Metro & there is much of Xmas [sic: Christmas] spirit [.] Snow [.] They press me to have supper with them but Xtian worships – Pultzer takes to be alone with him – So I excuse myself & get away – After super [sic: supper] Brousse comes along & we go to take coffee & return to his rooms [.] we take taxi to the station off to Toulouse [.] I am a bit sad to lose him for awhile [,] a good fellow – I get back through the 


November 1938 to early 1940, part 8
p. 122-125
Danish National Gallery
Ernest Mancoba
Rules of transcription:
 Spelling errors kept, followed by correction as [sic: corrected spelling]
 Necessary insertion of missing punctuation marks added as [,]
 Necessary paragraph breakage as [/P]
 Illegible words indicated with [illegible]
 Scratched out letters and words not transcribed