Ferlov Mancoba
June to September 1940
This section of the Mancoba diary most likely begins around June 1940 when France is on the brink of World War II and Mancoba is still a free man. The section continues with Sonja Ferlov Mancoba writing about her concern over Mancoba’s incarceration and her recitation of a poem.
[written by Sonja Ferlov Mancoba]: I will try through this to break through the threatening darkness about me. I will not allow it to swallow me. I know there is light farther out – for you as well as for me – we want both to live on – we have strength and belief in life – we will struggle until we break through [,] until we meet somewhere where we shall be able to build up a new period of life.
It is empty about me here. We have gone so far, far from them all together, but I am happy that you have helped me clearer to see where I am standing among them. If I am conscious of that then they cannot confuse me, I will try calm and clear to go on from what we have thought and built together. try to learn of what we now experience and grow stronger until the day when we shall meet again.
[accompanying pages are Ferlov Mancoba's recitation:] O.V. de L Milosh [sic: Milosz][1]: Poemes 1895-1927
It is empty about me here. We have gone so far, far from them all together, but I am happy that you have helped me clearer to see where I am standing among them. If I am conscious of that then they cannot confuse me, I will try calm and clear to go on from what we have thought and built together. try to learn of what we now experience and grow stronger until the day when we shall meet again.
[accompanying pages are Ferlov Mancoba's recitation:] O.V. de L Milosh [sic: Milosz][1]: Poemes 1895-1927
- W. Sze: Oscar Vladislas de Lubicz Milosz (1877-1939) , born Belarus died France, was a French language poet, playwright, novelist, and essayist
PDFJune to September 1940
Danish National Gallery
Rules of transcription:
Spelling errors kept, followed by correction as [sic: corrected spelling]
Necessary insertion of missing punctuation marks added as [,]
Necessary paragraph breakage as [/P]
Illegible words indicated with [illegible]
Scratched out letters and words not transcribed
Spelling errors kept, followed by correction as [sic: corrected spelling]
Necessary insertion of missing punctuation marks added as [,]
Necessary paragraph breakage as [/P]
Illegible words indicated with [illegible]
Scratched out letters and words not transcribed