
Ferlov Mancoba

Audio file 20-2

Henter lyd
philosophy of art

[continuation from 20-1] group conversing about Andy Warhol; Wonga brings up a newspaper article on him; Bille notes Warhol's technique but finds him a "showman"

philosophy of art

Bille is reminded about a parable of two Chinese monks discussing a flag in the wind and its parallel to a newspaper article about modern art where there is a "true" point of view

evolution of art, Modern art

Bille refers to the Renaissance with changes in points of view, mentioning writing of Paul Lacroix, and that the changes bring an evolution of form; Bille compares development of form to development in science in being able to determine what is a "good picture"; he mentions Pablo Picasso; Wonga speaks of new situations in the world giving rise to new art form, mentions Paul Cezanne and Picasso and treatments of perspective; Wonga continues on Christianity [Wonga speaks in Danish]

evolution of art, Modern art

Bille speaks of a parable in Confucianism about natural progress; Wonga counters by returning to Picasso, the difference in his work to that of Henri Matisse and Pierre Bonnard [speaks in Danish]

arts of cultures, art history

Bille makes a joke about his and Ernest's art and the group laughs; Bille expands by saying that every times and cultures are different; Wonga replies that the difference is a problem for art historians [speaks in Danish]

arts of cultures

Bille raises points about folk art, Chinese porcelain art in Song dynasty, arts of Egypt, the Gothic and the Aztec to return to his thoughts on form [Bille speaks in both English and Danish]; Bille and Wonga discuss, speaking over each other; Wonga picks up thread on sacredness [they speak in mix of English and Danish]

unidentified man requests a photo of Ernest and Bille together [general small talk]

[tape ends]


Audio clip
Conversation with Ejler Bille continues from 20-1, they discuss the evolution of art

About the recordings: Ernest Mancoba's son, Marc also known as Wonga, recorded interviews with his father. The interviews seemed to serve different purposes and are not in chronological order.

ca.1990-2002 (20-2)

The audio files are undated but is likely to have been recorded some time between 1990 and 2002
Time index and commentary prepared by W. Sze
Estate of Ferlov Mancoba