Tilbage Ferlov Mancoba Audio file 80-2 Henter lyd Tid Keywords Beskrivelse Kommentar 00:00 03:32 South Africa 1904 to 1938 06:20 South Africa 1904 to 1938 07:00 South Africa 1904 to 1938, Bantu Welfare Trust 07:45 journey to England 17:04 journey to England 25:55 South African post-apartheid history 26:49 30:16 34:31 journey to England, World War II 45:05 Fakta PDF Dokumenttype Lydklip Varighed 45:05 Ophavsmand/nøgleperson Ernest MancobaWonga Mancoba Datering ca.1990-2002 (80-2) Afsendersted Paris Omtalte personer Bantu Welfare TrustRheinallt JonesLippy LipshitzNelson MandelaT. C. Mehta Arkivplacering Estate of Ferlov Mancoba