
Ferlov Mancoba

La Grande Caserne St. Denis (Seine)

During World War II, multiple internment camps held prisoners in Paris. La Grande Caserne at St Denis ("St Denis") is located in the Northern suburb of Paris. The buildings and grounds, the Caserne, was originally built as barracks for the Swiss army. From June 1940 to August 1944, the camp was run by Germans and used to inter British non-combatants.

For an overview of the internment of foreigners in France: Delacor, R. M. (2000). From Potential Friends to Potential Enemies: The Internment of “Hostile Foreigners” in France at the Beginning of the Second World War. Journal of Contemporary History, 35(3), 361–368.


Delacor, R. M. (2000). From Potential Friends to Potential Enemies: The Internment of “Hostile Foreigners” in France at the Beginning of the Second World War. Journal of Contemporary History, 35(3), 361–368.
