
Ferlov Mancoba



Alex Laird


Ernest Mancoba


Alexandra Laird, på vegne af firmaet Bandung Limited, lavede en dokumentarfilm og interviewede Ernest om hans ven og kunstner Gerard Sekoto (1913-1993, Sydafrika/Frankrig). En kopi af transskriptionen af interviewet findes i arkiverne på Johannesburg Art Gallery, doneret af Elza Miles, som skrev biografien "Lifeline out of Africa: the art of Ernest Mancoba" (1994). Der er et separat brev om ophavsret og gebyr.
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(Transcription:  W.Sze)
[sender: Alexandra Laird]
[to: Ernest]
[date: 21 May]

Dear Ernest 

It was a privilege to record an interview with you – we call [illegible] time, so I must thank you for the trouble and effort you and Wonga put in for us – and Sekoto. It makes me feel rather guilty to know that we have tired you out so much, and I hope you recover quickly. But you said many important things and it’s good to know they will be shared with a large audience – and in South Africa too.

I enclose the articles I mentioned, the first about Sekoto which mentions you, and the letter Ndebele wrote in response to put the record straight!, written ten years ago now.

We leave Paris tomorrow Sunday to go on to South Africa and hope to meet Es’kia Mphahlele, Chabani Manganyi and several artists. Certainly I will pass on your greetings and news to friends there.

I’ve sent Wonga a film in case he’s able to take some photos of you when you’re feeling up to it. Meanwhile, [illegible] and I send you our love, and all our thoughts and, of course, very many thanks for helping me make this film – your contribution is an essential, and inspirational part of it.

I will keep in touch, as promised. Meanwhile with love

[signed: Alex]




Dette brev er kun dateret den 21. maj, men henviser til interviewet dokumenteret i en aftale dateret den 19. maj 1993. 
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