
Ferlov Mancoba



Ernest Mancoba


Dette er en fotokopi af et brev, som Ernest skrev for at takke Bantu Welfare Trust for deres tilskud og lån til at hjælpe hans studietur i Europa.
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(transcription by W. Sze)
[sender: Ernest]
[addressed to: Bantu Welfare Trust, attention the Secretary]
[postmarked: 22 Aug 1937]

Dear Sir,

Please accept my sincerest thanks and deepest appreciation and gratitude for your letter of Aug 22nd 1937 and for the most generous offer of the Trustees of the Bantu Welfare Trust – the grant to make it possible for me to proceed overseas to study art.

I unhesitatingly accept the offer: 
(a an outright grant of £100;
(b) a loan of £100.

And I shall make it my first duty on the completion of my studies refund the £100 loan.

Please convey my most heartfelt thanks to the Trustees and assure them on my behalf that I shall do all in my power to justify the faith they have [illegible] in me to vindicate the righteousness of giving opportunity to African talent. 

For many years I have been working at sculpture for the sake of art, but also as an art-form of expression which, I believe, will put before South Africa and the world at large the viewpoint of the African in the stupendous effort of building more harmonious cooperative relations in this our land.

I am
Yours sincerely [signed: Ernest Mancoba]




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