Ferlov Mancoba
Ernest Mancoba
University of Fort Hare
Ernest Mancoba opnåede sin studentereksamen og studerede i et par år mod sin Bachelor of Arts ved South African Native College, som senere ville blive University of Fort Hare (1930 til 1934). Universitetet blev oprettet til videregående uddannelse af ikke-hvide afrikanere fra kontinentet. I dette brev accepterer han den æresdoktorgrad, der tildeles af universitetet.
Maskinoversat tekst
(transcription by W. Sze)
[sender: Ernest]
[addressed to: University of Fort Hare, attention of Mr N.J. Jooste, Acting Registrar]
[date: 2 April 1996]
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your kind letter,informing me of the wonderful gesture which Fort Hare University has made towards our little family and myself,in awarding me the Degree Honoris Causa.
It is with the most profound gratitude ,that I,naturally, accept this honour,as one who owes so much ,for the little I have achieved, and for the meetings and the dialogue I was able to have with so many interesting people ,later in life,to the quality and coherence of the education received as a student in the lecture-rooms of your magnificent university, that has also been so vital for the formation of many other Africans,in a time of trial and hardships,a factor that has proved to be of a life-and-death importance with regard to the challenge of infinite magnitude now facing our country,our people as well as the rest of Mankind.
I am willing to attend the ceremonies which You mention , and the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of Fort Hare's foundation. But I must aknowledge that I do not have,at the moment,the financial means to travel to South Africa.This would be my only reason for missing such an important occasion.Provided the material possibility is given and ,at the age of 92,health allowing,I shall be present.
My son Wonga and myself send You our best wishes for this major event ,and we are sure that this commemoration will correspond to your efforts and hopes ,and be a full success.Our people,and the country as a whole,will,on this occasion,pay a well deserved tribute to our beloved university,which has ,for so many years now,striven,with such constancy and courage,to uphold,against all odds,the values and standard of learning.
Believe that I am,with all my heart,
yours [signed Ernest Mancoba]
[sender: Ernest]
[addressed to: University of Fort Hare, attention of Mr N.J. Jooste, Acting Registrar]
[date: 2 April 1996]
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your kind letter,informing me of the wonderful gesture which Fort Hare University has made towards our little family and myself,in awarding me the Degree Honoris Causa.
It is with the most profound gratitude ,that I,naturally, accept this honour,as one who owes so much ,for the little I have achieved, and for the meetings and the dialogue I was able to have with so many interesting people ,later in life,to the quality and coherence of the education received as a student in the lecture-rooms of your magnificent university, that has also been so vital for the formation of many other Africans,in a time of trial and hardships,a factor that has proved to be of a life-and-death importance with regard to the challenge of infinite magnitude now facing our country,our people as well as the rest of Mankind.
I am willing to attend the ceremonies which You mention , and the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of Fort Hare's foundation. But I must aknowledge that I do not have,at the moment,the financial means to travel to South Africa.This would be my only reason for missing such an important occasion.Provided the material possibility is given and ,at the age of 92,health allowing,I shall be present.
My son Wonga and myself send You our best wishes for this major event ,and we are sure that this commemoration will correspond to your efforts and hopes ,and be a full success.Our people,and the country as a whole,will,on this occasion,pay a well deserved tribute to our beloved university,which has ,for so many years now,striven,with such constancy and courage,to uphold,against all odds,the values and standard of learning.
Believe that I am,with all my heart,
yours [signed Ernest Mancoba]