
Ferlov Mancoba



Ernest Mancoba


(transcription: W.Sze)
[sender: Ernest]
[recipient: Litografisk (Copenhagen), attention Peter Johansen]
[date: undated, after 22 April 1986]

My very dear Peter Johans-

Many thanks for the two letters you so kindly sent me – I ask you to excuse this long delay in reply to the great geste [English: gesture] and opportunity you offer me to work together with you all at the very sympathetic work-place I visited when I was last in Copehagen –

I have for a long time been taken up with much practical work after what has happened in our family here – rearranging the atelier filling up administrative papers etc.

Now things have calmed down a bit and would be glad if you could receive me on the 16th June as you suggest – I should be travelling with my son – 

I come entirely open-minded and ready to learn. My first preoccupation will be concentrated on understanding and handling the technique of lithography – I shall be full of gratitude to be allowed to partake some of your experience in this important art – 

Now do give my greetings to the companions at the atelier and also to your family 

Very truly yours [unsigned]
[post script:] I am also sending a letter to Steingrim Laursen – Do greet him from us here - 




brev uden dato, ingen konvolut; men er et svar på Atelierets andet brev dateret 22. april 1986
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