
Ferlov Mancoba



Ernest Mancoba


Ernest Mancoba skriver til Sonja Ferlov om et foredrag om skulptur som han har holdt i fangelejren. Desuden at han længes efter hende.


Jan. 16th 1942
My dear Sonja
I have |been| keeping in my head the picture of you when I saw you last visit – you vere very beautiful and so full of life – You instilled in me also the joy of living – the weather too was so beautiful – I was very glad. Concerning the lecture oy on sculpture surely I was under the impression that I told you about it – I know I ought should have told you – Many people like it – I based it on a rapid |historical| survey of Azteque, African Egyptian, Greek-Roman Gothic-Renaissance – to Modern Times. It could no but be very superficial as you will realize. Each civilization is the work of a life study – I tried to show the point of view of each civilization as revealed by the sculpture of the periods.
As you cannot imagine the perverted and confused ideas people have of art – It made me want to weep to hear afterwards what when I discussed some questions on sculpture with some men – So much for all this – I long for you, dear, I wish we could have days + days to talk together – I have so much to say to you my beloved 
– Ernest 




Datering i brev.
Ernest Mancoba bliver interneret i først Fresnes fængsel og senere interneringslejrene La Grande Caserne Saint-Denis og Drancy juni 1940-1944. Mancoba blev tilbageholdt pga af sit britiske statsborgerskab.
Ferlov Mancoba arkivet.