Ferlov Mancoba
Ernest Mancoba
Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Ernest Mancoba skriver til Sonja Ferlov Mancoba om deres vielse året forinden og om hans personlige udvikling som en gift mand. Han refererer til deres liv sammen når krigen slutter.
11th June 1943
My beloved wife,
It is soon a year that we were married – strange as it will seem, at that moment it looked a mere formality which had nothing fundamental – Now the feeling that comes over me when reflecting on the 23rd June the date of our marriage, gives me immense joy – and wonder – How the relationship of two beings can be so full of rich associations My life since I have known you has been so well-balanced, so sound and well-directed that I have been able to face all the strange situations of our times with calm and deliberate contemplation. In other words I look even at the experience of separation as a severe preparation for our life together after the war. I confess, I have learnt so much, and discarded many foolishnesses since the internment, which would very probably have compromised our married-life – Hence I shall be a better husband after this experience to my wife whom I love beyond all else
Datering i brev.
Ernest Mancoba blev interneret i først Fresnes fængsel og senere interneringslejrene La Grande Caserne Saint-Denis og Drancy juni 1940-1944. Ernest Mancoba blev tilbageholdt pga af sit britiske statsborgerskab.
Ferlov Mancoba arkivet.