
Ferlov Mancoba



Ernest Mancoba


Ernest Mancoba skriver til Sonja Ferlov Mancoba og takker for hendes brev, som har beroliget ham. Han referer til Rilkes digte, som hun har nævnt for ham. Han beder hende tage et håndklæde med til ham ved næste besøgstid, men ikke mad, da de har mad nok i lejren.


15. feb. 1944
My dear Sonja, I got your letter last night. I was very glad for it, Yes my dear Sonja I have been too anxious about what is to come, Rilke is certainly very good. There is a book here of some of his poems. I have only turned the pages and not yet read him. Last Monday was such a wonderful day for us. Our “present” of 30 minutes a fortnight is most of the time a past and a future. It seems one is always thinking of visits past and future. The contact of our hands was charged with so much good strong feeling that are wonders how human beings can be so great.
Now my dear dont forget to bring me a towel in the next parcel. I have used none with me. I see again that you are sending me too much food. Don't do it Sonja because I have too much hereand I don't eat much so that I have to give it away. 
Look after yourself Beloved. I am looking to Monday. Ernest.
P.S. Thanks very much for the flower it is growing!




Datering i brev.
Ernest Mancoba blev interneret i først Fresnes fængsel og senere interneringslejrene La Grande Caserne Saint-Denis og Drancy juni 1940-1944. Ernest Mancoba blev tilbageholdt pga af sit britiske statsborgerskab.
Ferlov Mancoba arkivet.